Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm a Local!

"There is no foreign land, it is only the traveller that is foreign." -- Robert Louis Stevenson

Yesterday a guy told me that I look Sicilian (which might have just been to butter me up, but I don't care).  And today, an Italian girl, who I assume speaks no English, stopped ME to ask for directions, which I successfully gave Italian.  It's official.  I'm a local!! : )

Things I've learned since living here...
  • Florence has a LOT of tourists, which gets annoying when walking to class means fighting through crowds with cameras.
  • The people who live in my building really hate Americans.
  • Cars, mopeds and even horsedrawn carraiges will run you over if you are in their way.
  • Evaluating wine is actually pretty difficult and I'm really bad at it...for now.
  • Spraining your ankle and not being able to walk is so much harder than you think it will be.
  • Strawberries make for better chasers than limes.
  • Going out nearly every night for more than 3 weeks really will wear your body down...whoda thunk.
  • Italians truly are more attractive and more well-dressed than Americans.
  • Likewise, Italian children are more adorable than American children.
  • Gelato > Ice cream
  • Cab drivers are angry people.
  • A guy will always walk a girl home without being asked, solely out of habitual politeness.
  • On the other hand, occasional rudeness is not only's necessary, because 70% of the male attention is extremely annoying.
  • Bar owners make for sketchy bosses.
  • Gypsies are fascinating.
  • Eating after 8pm actually is okay.  Dinner at 10pm is becoming a habit.
  • Watching a bartender make your drink with fresh fruit is way better than watching him make it with juice.
  • I really really enjoy my Travel Writing class even though every one in it is a much better writer than I am.
  • People in America complain about EVERYTHING.
Things I miss (so far) from home...
  • My dog
  • My car
  • Milk sold by the gallon
  • My bed
  • Baseball
  • Cold weather
..and that's about it.  I love it here.

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