Thursday, June 23, 2011

Show on the Road, Please!

I haven't been writing lately.  This is partially because I get insecure about my writing skills and partially because I have not been finding myself all that interesting lately.  I go to class, I go to work, and during my free time I try not to wait around for the arrival of August 28th.  However I still feel extremely restless.  I am restless with my life as if I'm waiting for something interesting to happen.  I'm ready to experience something different.  Something other than living in Lawrence and waiting tables.  I love Lawrence and I love the life I have here, but I've already lived it.

I've hit some extremely high highs here as well as some pretty low lows.  I've surprised myself and I've let myself down.  I've been a leader which I well as hated.  I've been in love and I've also been heartbroken.  I have felt helpless, stupid, and at times really really pissed.  I've worried about what others think of me and I've given up worrying about what others think of me.  I've been a bitch and I've been a people pleaser (I found that when given the option, I will choose to be a bitch over a people pleaser any day).  I've met some pretty unreasonable people and I've met some of the best people I know.  I've learned a lot so far and I can honestly say that I don't have any regrets, but I can also honestly say that I am ready for a break from this place.  I know the "Show Goes On" but can we not just get this show on the road?!  I'm waiting!

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