Sunday, May 29, 2011

My "Mundane" Life

"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."

To paint you a picture of my current life: today I went to work, made about $80, bought a bottle of wine on my way home, and am now sitting in bed with my laptop and a chick flick to keep me company.  Since the semester has ended, my life consists of working.  Working and hanging out by myself.  As pathetic as that sounds, I've started to enjoy it.  I've either done a good job of distracting myself from the lack of friends I have in town or I'm just appreciating the alone time.  But while adjusting to the current mundaneness of my summer life, I've had the chance to do a lot of thinking (shocker, I know).

There have been a few bad days since Lawrence has become a ghost days when I don't make money at work, or when I spend my day off at Midas putting far too much money toward fixing my car.  But then I remember that I don't have bad days very often.  About 4 or 5 years ago, it seemed that most days were bad days.  I don't too much enjoy feeling sorry for myself, especially when my biggest problems are things as insignificant as money and boredom.  I'm sure not everybody works in the same way I do but for me, the dull times allow me to check in, or "reflect," for lack of a word less corny.  I tend to find clarity in the transition times.

Aside from making a lot of new friends at work, I've been spending my free time exploring the forgotten parts of my music library, expanding my sports repertoire, and reading for actual pleasure.  This is the first time I've written in a while because I feel like I have nothing new or exciting to report except for the fact that I'm enjoying the mundaneness.  As my roommate and I always used to say, "Hindsight is 20/20."  The things I've been thinking about lately include annoyingly deep subjects such as god, religion, my previously mentioned love life and my family.  I'm sure I'll bore you on those subjects at a later date but for now, I'm simply enjoying my routine and I CANNOT wait until Vegas.  Only 2 days!!!

I'm sure I'll have far more interesting stories to share once I return.

"Those who fly solo sometimes have the strongest wings."

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