Friday, May 20, 2011

Let's Get Personal, I Guess..

So, I spoke last time about my willingness to make myself "fantastically uncomfortable."  I would hate to be all talk, so here we go.  Now I promise not to always bore you with the ins and outs of my love life but for the sake of being very uncomfortable, it feels like a logical place to start.  So I guess we're doing this.  I guess we're getting personal...

I am not a "girlfriend girl."  I never have been.  I was in a relationship for the majority of my freshman year.  None prior and none since.  Don't get me wrong, I love boys.  I'll even tell you that I'm in the process of getting over one right now.  His name is none of your business but you can call him Dance (bear with me on this).  I came to college wanting a boyfriend, and so I got one.  I tried to be a "girlfriend girl" and although it was fun for a while, I learned that being asked to give up my independence is like being asked to give up my right arm.  It's just not happening.  It's like I said, I love guys...but I'm no "girlfriend girl."

So instead of a boyfriend, I choose to love everything else.  I love my family, my friends, my school, my hobbies and even my dog with an unconditional passion.  Remember, I did tell you that I'm "shouting from the rooftops" here.  So what about Dance?  It's like I said, I'm currently getting over Dance.  Dance was my first love and after attending my first class, Dance and I couldn't get enough of each other.  We had fun, a lot of fun...that is until things got complicated.  Near the end of high school, Dance stopped being about having fun and started being about trying to impress (a losing battle, might I add).  I gave Dance everything I had...but it eventually stopped making me happy.  So I'm ready to find something else to be wildly passionately about.  I still love Dance and I always will but it's different now.  Now I love Dance not because I expect it to love me back, but simply because Dance will always be important to me.

I'm finding now that I am passionate about other things.  There are no male equivalents to any of those other things...but when you're as lucky as I am, there really doesn't need to be.

"Do things with passion or not at all."

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