Sunday, May 15, 2011

Welp, Here Goes Nothing...

So I'm actually doing this.  I always knew I was going to start a blog before studying abroad but so much is happening recently that I see no purpose in waiting until August.  When mulling over the decision of how honest I plan to be in my writing, I was hesitant about how much I'm willing to let you know about me.  But then I realized that I'm actually pretty great so I'm no longer worried about the judgement I may receive once you realize that I'm a piece of work.

Some people, when they're in love and what not, feel as if they want to shout it from the rooftops.  Not to be cliché or feed into the love song fantasy, but this blog is my way of shouting from the rooftops how much I love my life.  I've been through a lot and there are many reasons for me not to love my life as much as I do.  For those who choose to continue reading, you will learn about those reasons but you will also learn about all the things that make my life so unreal and fantastic so try not to get jealous.

With four of my five best friends getting ready to graduate and begin the rest of their lives..combined with me getting ready to go abroad..and topped off with a "save the date" for the wedding of the one friend who's known my since we were too young to even remember (cough cough Robert) has hit me that we're all growing up.  I, personally like change.  I think it's exciting. But I also love being young, so I'm writing this blog so I can remember this time of my life.  This blog is also for my family and my friends who might as well be family so you can always be with me (don't cry Stephanie).

My life is anything but boring so try to keep up...because Here Goes Nothing.

I also plan to occasionally share my photos from Italy, so here's a preview of what you're in for ladies and gentlemen:


Miko the Cat said...

I love it already

Samantha said...

ah this is so great!!! I love you!!!!

Bria said...

You are going to have an amazing time!! , wish I was going with!! <3 you

Anonymous said...

I couldn't figure out how to leave my name, so this is Robert:

well I feel like an idiot, I wish I had known you were starting a blog. Now I'm already behind on your life, and you're still in the U.S. You're a wonderful person and I'm excited for your journey. Thanks for the shoutout.

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