Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Embarrassment Is Overrated

"Sometimes I pretend to be normal.  But it gets boring so I go back to being me." - Anonymous

After reading my previous entry, my dad asked me if I'm serious about the level of honesty with which I plan to write.  The answer is yes, I'm serious.  I promised myself, and now I promise you, that aside from keeping things PG-ish, I plan to hold nothing back.  If you knew me in high school then you probably know that I used to value my secrets...well, not anymore.  I can't successfully pinpoint when it happened, but I learned a while back that secrets are pretty exhausting.  I've learned that guarding your heart with a smorgasbord of defensive trick plays is also tremendously exhausting (yes, I said smorgasbord).  It will undoubtedly be far more difficult to bear my soul to an audience than to my friends and family who I trust, but I'm confident that I'll soon recover from the initial awkwardness.  I realize that it probably makes no difference to you whether or not I succeed in making myself an open book...but I promised myself.  And I never break a promise.

I'm at a point in my life when I'm ready and willing to make myself terrifically uncomfortable.  It has worked out really well for me in the past, so I figured I'd go ahead and see what else I'm capable of.  Sharing the sometimes awkwardly private aspects of my life WILL be uncomfortable and knowing myself as well as I do, I'm destined to embarrass myself a time or two..or three.  But if the worst case scenario is that you will judge me, then I'm already over it.

Embarrassment is Overrated.

"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all.  In which case, you fail by default." - J.K. Rowling

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